
This is Ceara trip part III, telling about my trip to Ceara beaches.

Mundaú is a beach in Ceará, located about 150 KM from Fortaleza.

Getting there by bus from Fortaleza:

In almost all of the cities in Ceara you can go by the bus company called FretCar. So when I came to Fortaleza from Canoa Quebrada by São Benedito, in the bus station at Fortaleza I got the FretCar to Mundau.

Mundau is a really poor neighborhood, the houses are simple and people don’t have a floor and instead they use soil as the floor. People don’t have beds, they sleep in the hammock. In the street there is a lot of trash in the corner. I just discovered everything about the neighborhood when I arrived there. Everybody said don’t go to the right side of the beach because it’s dangerous and I could be robbed.

estrela de mundau

I stayed at Hotel Estrela de Mundau. I didn’t like it’s there, because it was a cloudy day and they have a solar kettle, so there is no hot water to take a shower. During the night it started to rain, and the water entered inside the room, so the bed was looking like a stilt house.

The best part of Mundau is to see the water of the river mixing with the ocean water. This is because it’s a really beautiful sight to see.

There isn’t ATM  to withdraw money.

About the author

Caroline Domanoski

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