Veloso bar is one of the most popular pubs\bars to meet people or go with your friends.
There you can find nice drinks and Brazilians popular snacks called coxinha, but it is so crowded that can be a mirage where there is no queue to enter, so be prepared. The good news is the service is efficient and good.

The best time to arrive there, and escape the line on Thursday, Friday is at 6 pm and on Saturday at most 1 pm and Sunday at 4 pm.


Veloso’s pub\bar has a great variety of fruit to prepare caipirinhas. There you can taste a mix of fruit with pepper or ginger! It’s amazing!
Take note: The most famous is called “Caipirinha of the Jaboticaba”.

And to add to more Brazilian experiences, you can ask for the caipirinha to be made with cachaça instead of vodka.


All the snacks are delightful, but this place is really famous for it’s coxinha, as it is very popular snack in Brazil. It is like fried dough with chicken.
In my opinion Veloso’s pub\bar are the best Coxinhas ever!

Coxinhas are made of shredded chicken meat boiled, and then molded into a ball or a shape that vaguely resembles a chicken thigh. A crunchy appetizer!


On Saturday, at lunch time, there is a very good Feijoada. Feijoada is a popular Brazilian food It is black bean stew with various types of beef and sausage.


And as a dessert you should have Churros with depper of Dulce de leche (confection prepared by slowly heating sweetened milk) and chocolate.

Where: Rua Conceição Veloso, 54 – Vila Mariana, São Paulo
When: Tuesday to Friday at 5:30pm to 0:30am
Saturday at 12:45pm to 0:30h
Sunday at 4pm to 10:30pm
Getting There: 7 min walking from Vila Mariana (blue line) or Ana Rosa (green line) Metro Station

All pictures by Veloso Website

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About the author

Caroline Domanoski

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