Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is without any doubt one of the most amazing place I’ve seen in my life, in all the 46 countries of the world I have visited. It is still not so famous, luckily for the few ones that knows it and can visit it.

Imagine a white sand desert full of pristine oasis of blue water, where you can bath and swim most of the time completely all by yourself. Yes, you can have your private oasis and it will be just you and your friends.

It can be visited only during brazilian winter – july, august – where the water collects and creates the oasis. Also because you will find a perfect temperature of 25 degrees.

There are several place to access the park, my reco is to land in the city of Sao Luis and take a tour from there. There are almost no public transportation, so hire a 4WD vehicle or contract a touristic guide.

The first north entrance is on the little village of Santo Amaro. There is nothing there besides hotels, but it is the BEST place to start your daily trips inside the Lençóis park. That’s because you will be completely alone, since very few tourists access from here.

And now, well, you can see by yourself what is that I am talking about!


Yes, it is a real place. And it is a lot of fun to run down the sand dunes and splash in the nicely warm water, one the clearest I have ever seen.


The second popular access to the park is through the city of Barreirinhas, which is quite popular and packed of tourists and hotels. Here things are much more organized, and you will arrive to a river cross to access the park, where weird individuals like this are transporting passengers across the water.


Just joking, you will get to a small boat, jump in the water, and then get in open-trucks, with a bunch of other tourists.


Don’t get me wrong, also here the scenery is breath-taking, but you won’t be alone in your wanderings. You can stay here until sunset, and enjoy it in the white desert.


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Enrico Pescantini

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